An update from Con Pazion (and how you can help) — Con Pazion

An update from Con Pazion (and how you can help)


Hello from a grey and wintery Lima! But, in spite of the weather,  we have so much exciting and colorful news that'll make it feel like summer again. We've reached a milestone for Con Pazion!

A lot has changed at Con Pazion over the last few months and we are super honored and grateful. We are continuing to work towards our dream of developing a holistic school in Manchay and those dreams are coming true. We are opening the school in a few short months! This school is set out to be revolutionary. We have been working towards this goal for a long time, and now it's almost here. And it's going to be even bigger and more groundbreaking than we could have ever imagined.

Our first Con Pazion school will include a kindergarten, primary and secondary school. We will have 450 students in total, from ages 3 to 17. (Yes, dream big!) At this time, the school that's already established is very basic with no electricity, running water or internet, but we are hopeful that it will continue to grow and service the community. Our plan is to begin implementing our holistic curriculum and methodology from the start and grow it little by little. We are in the final phase of preparations for the opening of our school and cannot wait for the big day to come.

As we continue to work towards this goal and make our school a reality, we are in search of committed volunteers to help us once the school is open to ensure that the implementation is a success. See below for opportunities to help.

How you can help

We are currently looking for committed volunteers who can stay in Peru for a longer period of time to work hands-on at the Con Pazion School once it opens. Our current focus is volunteers for the remainder of 2019, but we are always open to dedicated individuals in the future. If you think the below descriptions is a fit for you, please reach out to us here or email us at and let us know why you are a fit and when you are available to join us.


Long-term volunteers requirements:

  • Basic knowledge of the Spanish language (preferred)

  • Experience with vulnerable children and the ability to work with them in a positive way

  • Committed to the position

  • Aware of the needs and open-minded attitude

  • Resilient

  • Strong communication skills

  • Hands-on mentality, willingness to step in, as needed

  • Strong/solid personality

  • Positive attitude and ability to think on your feet

  • Strong social skills

  • Deep understanding of the developmental needs of initial, primary and secondary school students in limited resource settings

  • The strength to work in challenging circumstances and the ability to make the most out of every situation

  • Positive and caring attitude and a committed team player

  • A vision of making the world a better place, together

  • Ability to build constructive classroom communities through the implementation of class meetings and positive approaches/care
