The Con Pazion school
The first Con Pazion school is situated in a deserted area of the impoverished suburb Manchay in Lima. The school has a kindergarten, elementary school and a high school department and serves 680 students in the age of 3-17 years old. The public traditional school already existed for 10 years before Con Pazion took over the management and started transforming the school into a holistic school. Con Pazion had been working with the students and the community for 1.5 years through holistic workshops in the run-up to the founding of the Con Pazion school.
Con Pazion’s curriculum is based on the Peruvian national curriculum, enriched with holistic teachings and values that are essential for the children to reach their full potential and make a difference for themselves, each other and Peruvian society. The Con Pazion school lets the students explore what is meaningful for them, each other and Peruvian society so they can become responsible and respectful citizens.
The holistic system will be implemented step by step in the school. Starting with the lower grades and expanding each year until each grade works fully with the unique Con Pazion curriculum.
Teachings that will be integrated are:
- Environmental and nature education
- Yoga and meditation
- Health and nutritional awareness
- Arts
- Humanitarian values: compassion, peace, solidarity, unity and empathy
- Empowerment and leadership (with focus on female equality)
To create a bigger impact, we also work with the parents and the community members. They receive workshops so they can support their children and create better circumstances for their families and the community.
The Con Pazion school in Manchay is the first holistic public school of Peru, but it won’t be the only one. Con Pazion has to intention grow and create more holistic public schools in Lima, provinces in Peru and maybe in the future also to other countries in Latin America.
““Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.””