FAQ — Con Pazion

What is holistic education?

Holistic education is a widely used form of education with a long history. There is a wide variety of methodologies and combinations of methodologies used for holistic education, depending on the needs of different audiences. Some examples are Montessori, Dalton, Waldorf, and Reggio Emilia. A lot of research has been done on holistic education showing the proven results: it promotes social and academic skills that are at least equal to or superior to traditional education. Students are more satisfied and learn with more enthusiasm, motivation and are more aware of themselves and the world around them. Holistic approaches have been associated with improvements in grades, class behavior, and social and emotional outcomes. It is a common approach in all developed countries in the world and in some private schools in Peru, but it was not available to disadvantaged groups who needed it so urgently.

Holistic education means that each child is organically nurtured toward finding their identity & purpose in life, make connections to our natural world, our community & practice spiritual values such as kindness, gratitude & peace (Miller, 1994). Each child is a unique being that learns and grows in a creative setting, where they can embrace limitless ideas and reveal their unlimited potential.

Holistic education supports the children in becoming aware of their own strength and of the world they live in so that they become self-aware and self-confident from within. By giving the children the chance to discover and decide what is important and meaningful to them, to others, to society, and to the world they live in, we can create lasting change. We work with what is already there: a child's heart, their abilities, the families, the community, nature, and the world.

The school uses the national curriculum enriched with yoga, mindfulness, arts, and health and environmental awareness. The approach of taking the students out of their classroom, nurtures a sense of wonder and invites students to explore the world. Cooperation is the norm, rather than competition and the rewards of helping one another grow and succeed is emphasized over students being ranked.

These teachings increase the children's confidence in themselves and feed their self-esteem, which helps them to manifest the best of themselves. This, in turn, has a positive effect on their lives and on those around them. ❤️

How can I help?

Thank you so much for asking! We rely on the generosity of donations to run our foundation and the school, so please consider making a donation. We also need volunteers. You can also help by spreading the news about our organization to your friends and family, and encouraging them to support us and start fundraisers as well.

Where in Peru are you active?

We are currently active in three different areas of Manchay, an impoverished suburb (slum) of Lima, Peru.

What is Con Pazion’s current status and the plans for the future? 

The first Con Pazion school became reality in January 2021. For the future we are dreaming of replicating our school to other disadvantaged areas of Lima and to other places in Perú. We believe many kids worldwide can benefit from this innovative approach. Lima is just the beginning, we dream of expanding globally to continue the movement.
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How will my donation be spent?

Donations made to the Foundation Con Pazion will be used for our school and the school community in Manchay: curriculum development, teacher training, the purchase of materials, field trips for the students, workshops, facility costs, staff costs etc. We aim to use less than 10% of donations for fundraising.

What children are included in the programs?

At this moment we focus on the most vulnerable children in deprived areas of Manchay, Lima. We want to improve the chances of the children that live in (extreme) poverty. We offer the children that don’t have the resources to attend private education the chance to access our holistic school for free. Only the children that live in the direct area of our school in Manchay are given preference to enter our school.

Where can I sign up to receive your newsletters?

You can sign up here!

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How can I contact you?

The best way to reach us is by emailing us at info@conpazion.org