A milestone! — Con Pazion

A milestone!

¡La primera escuela pública holística del Perú Es una realidad!.png

Finally, after a long and difficult process, Con Pazion has reached a MILESTONE! 🥂🎉 We are proud and honored to announce that we have recently signed a revolutionary agreement with the Peruvian government (MINEDU) to 'have' and manage the first holistic PUBLIC school of Peru! 🎉 We are immensely honored and grateful for this opportunity.

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A historical happening

Never before in Peruvian history has a non-traditional school been accepted in the public-school system of Peru. There were even legislative changes necessary to make this possible. The agreement that we signed is revolutionary and a big opportunity to offer quality holistic education to disadvantaged children and give them the chance to reach their full potential and break the cycle of poverty.

The school in Manchay with 680 students is officially ‘ours’ now. It’s Con Pazion’s first school. But our goal is that many more Con Pazion schools will follow throughout all Peru in the future. We believe that every child should have the opportunity to access holistic quality education for free.

We are immensely grateful and honored for this unique opportunity, for the support and acceptance of MINEDU, for their trust, their dedication and their unconditional support during this challenging process.



Now that the agreement is signed, we can start creating and implementing our holistic curriculum little by little. Unfortunately, COVID is spreading faster than ever at this moment in Peru and the school is still closed until further notice.

Our students are in contact with their teachers through WhatsApp and follow special classes on tv or radio that the government has developed: Aprendo en casa. (I learn at home)

It’s not ideal because not all our students have access to electricity or phone signal, but at this moment there is no other option. Hopefully things will get better at the end of the year. Until then we try to visit our students at their homes frequently.

Con Pazion is currently focusing on fundraising, coaching and working with the teachers and students in a virtual way, creating our holistic curriculum as well as improving the infrastructure of the school in order to have it ready for when the school is able to open again.

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Although the contract has been signed with the Ministry of Education, it still means that Con Pazion is responsible (also financially) for all the improvements and innovations that we are going to implement. We cannot do this alone. You can support us to improve the quality of the school and give the children better future opportunities.

Only with your support we are able to create a sustainable improvement for our underprivileged students. Please become a monthly donor and we’ll send you personal updates on the children and our work every month. Every donation will be highly appreciated. Thank you for your support and for joining us on this incredible journey!