Con Pazion relies on donations. without donations we can not operate nor run the school.
Con Pazion is a project of 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Empowerment WORKS All donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law in the United States.
Con Pazion also has a tax deductible status (ANBI) in The Netherlands and we have a Sunat donation status in Perú! (no. 0230050258065)
For 501(c)3 donations, please contact us before making a donation.
The Netherlands: Stichting Con Pazion
KVK: 7038185
Bank account (IBAN) NL36INGB0008256497
Perú: Asociación Con Pazion:
Bank accounts: SOLES: 193-2535339-0-83
CCI: 002-193-002-535-339-083-11
BCP DOLARES: 193-2537053-1-07
CCI: 002-193-002-537-053-107-18
“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity will not survive. ”